01932 882519

Swept Gilt Frame
Late Georgian

Stunning Late Georgian Frame

A selection of antique frames from the early Georgian period through to early 20 Century.

Antique frames effortlessly lend decorative sophistication to any picture or painting. Ornate carvings, beautifully distressed patina and the charming appeal of the luscious golden colour tone make gilt frames the most elegant inclusion in any decor. Add the right painting or picture, and you make an artistic impression that will lift any interior.

Antiques, with their history, originality and elegance, make the best buy. Gilt frames work well with digital prints, be the image traditional or a contemporary contrast. 

Ogled Antiques has a good range frames for images or mirrors, including antique gilt frames and antique gesso frames. Gilded frames can make a stunning decorative statement to adorn empty walls or add an element of interest to an otherwise simple theme. 
